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Mobile car depollution systems PDF Print E-mail
mobile car depollution H10 STH-003/E/12/H mobile car depollution STH-003/E/10/H

The depollution time was established on the basis of the compressed-air procedure offered including some 10 minutes setup time. On the basis of 8 hours running time daily, the system is capable of depolluting about 48 cars per day. The depollution technology has been developed by STH-Huber Anlagenbau GmbH, Germany. All types use the same depollution technology. The size of the carrier structure is 6500 x 2500 x 2500 mm (LxWxH).

For better protection and ease of maintenance, the double diaphragm pumps are installed in the dump tank area. The dump tank area is fitted completely with metal wall and ceiling panels. The operator side is open and has an aluminium roll-up gate in place which can be closed for weather protection and protection against unauthorized use.The working surfaces of the car depollution system are edged pan-type metal sheets with a 30 mm mesh grate cover. The car rest is made of 120 mm-HEB H girders (designed to DIN 1025).




Technical data STH-003/E/10/H:





Basic Features

STH 003 E/10/H


The STH-003/E/10/H mobile car depollution system is 5400 x 2200 x 2200 mm LxWxH in size with a maximum permissible load of 5.0 tons (options).


According to a study conducted by Germany, the amounts of media used in a single car are as follows:


Medium 1: gasoline 20.0 l                     Medium 6: coolant 7.0 l

Medium 2: diesel fuel 20.0 l                  Medium 7: shock absorber oil 1.0 l

Medium 3: brake fluid 0.7 l                    Medium 8: screen wash 3.0 l

Medium 4: motor oil 4.0 l                      Medium 9: power steering fluid 1.0 l

Medium 5: gear box oil 3.0 l                  Medium 10: refrigerant 3.0 l



Technical data STH 003 E/12/H:





Basic Features

mobile car depollution STH - 003/E/12/H


The STH-003/E/12/H mobile car depollution system is 5400 x 2200 x 2200 mm LxWxH in size with a maximum permissible load of 5.0 tons (options).


According to a study conducted by Germany, the amounts of media used in a single car are as follows:


Medium 1: gasoline 20.0 l                     Medium 6: coolant 7.0 l

Medium 2: diesel fuel 20.0 l                  Medium 7: shock absorber oil 1.0 l

Medium 3: brake fluid 0.7 l                    Medium 8: screen wash 3.0 l

Medium 4: motor oil 4.0 l                      Medium 9: power steering fluid 1.0 l

Medium 5: gear box oil 3.0 l                  Medium 10: refrigerant 3.0 l


Technical data STH-003/E/10/H:


Basic Features


The STH-003/E/10/H mobile car depollution system is 5400 x 2200 x 2200 mm LxWxH in size with a maximum permissible load of 5.0 tons (options).


According to a study conducted by Germany, the amounts of media used in a single car are as follows:


Medium 1: gasoline 20.0 l Medium 6: radiator liquid 7.0 l

Medium 2: diesel fuel 20.0 l Medium 7: shock absorber oil 1.0 l

Medium 3: brake fluid 0.7 l Medium 8: screen water 3.0 l

Medium 4: motor oil 4.0 l Medium 9: power steering oil 1.0 l

Medium 5: transmission oil 3.0 l Medium 10: refrigerant 3.0 l


The depollution time was established on the basis of the compressed-air procedure offered including some 10 minutes setup time. On the basis of 8 hours running time daily, the system is capable of depolluting about 48 cars per day.The depollution technology has been developed by STH-Huber Anlagenbau GmbH, Germany. All types use the same depollution technology. The size of the carrier structure ist 6500 x 2500 x 2500 mm (LxWxH). The depollution technology is integrated in the carrier and ready for use. Each type comes with the required tools. All depollution loops are fully connected, and the depollution system is supplied ready for use. The dump tanks meet the statutory regulations relating to the storage of dangerous liquids in the respective hazard ratings and come fitted with venting and over fill fuses. The compressed air ist supplied by a compressor (min. capacity 350 l/min.) The pressure buildup ist controlled by a compressed air chamber. There are free capacities for additional compressed air tools. The power supply is 24V/220-230V and complies with the Accociation of German Electrial Engineers guidelines. The controller power is 24V and is used to operate the overfill fuses level indicator. The carrier consists of a customer-earthed tubular frame structure with a integrated grate-covered receiver pan in the floor that is sized to section 19 of the German Water Resources Law (WHG-Wasserhaushaltsgesetz). The receiver pan is available with 1400 litre capacity.

For better protection and ease of maintenance, the double diaphragm pumps are installed in the dump tank area. The dump tank area is fitted completely with metal wall and ceiling panels. The operator side is open and has an aluminium roll-up gate in place which can be closed for weather protection and protection against unauthorized use.The working surfaces of the car depollution systen are edged pan-type metal sheets with a 30 mm mesh grate cover. The car rest is made of 120 mm-HEB H girders (designed to DIN 1025).


Advantages of a Mobile Motor Vehicle Draining Facility STH – 003/E/12/H


1. mobility, road permit, building size 6500 x 2500 x 2500 mm

2. integrated storage tank on the tool carrier for all media AI, AII, AIII, B, in accordance with the regulations on flammable liquids VbF/TRbF/VAWS/EX-RL

3. The dump tanks come fitted with venting, limiting value transmitters and over fill fuses (ATEX).

4. reuse of media AI, AIII by means of processing for tanking in in-house vehicles (by means of fuel pistols)

5. floor tank with a storage volume of 1400 l – in accordance with section 19 of WHG (German Law on Water Resources Management) (6500 x 2500 x 100 mm)

6. support for motor vehicles, load 5 tons

7. usable for several firms together, cost cutting/cooperation

8. flow rate – 8 hours ca. 48 vehicles

9. building licenses with simplified “BimSchG” (license concerning the protection against harmful effects on the environment)

10. pneumatic pumping technology (high perfomance, low wear)

11. All technical devices, drilling und suction units, tools are included in the purchase price.


Conditions for the Installation of the Facility:


a) building license with simplified BimSchG

b) if applicable, safety distances to other constructions

c) electric power supply by builder by means of a EURO plug 220 V

d) earthing of the facility by builder

e) surrounding field navigable fork lift truck

f) compressor, carrying capacity 350 ltr.

g) facility under cano py (hall) by builder



07:00 - 20:00
+49 (0)171 6 73 69 91

Contact person

Mr. Siegfried Huber 
Welding technology/ Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Kurt Hutter
0049 (0) 9401-53979-14
Electrical engineering
Mr. Sebastian Huber
0049 (0) 9401-53979-11
Mrs. Cindy Leikam
0049 (0) 9401-53979-12


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Pumpen aus PTFE sind geeignet zum Fördern von allen Medien, ob viskos, chemisch aggresiv oder feststoffhaltig.

Die leitfähigen Pumpen aus PE und PTFE werden für Einsätze in Ex- gefährdeten Umgebungen gefertigt. Diese Baureihe TX ist nach der RL 94/9/EG zertifiziert. Das leitfähige Gehäuse stellt sicher, dass keine statischen Aufladungen zu Funkenbildung führen können, sofern die Pumpe geerdet wird. Die schwarzen Leitpigmente, die in den Kunststoff eingebettet sind, haben keinen Einfluss auf die chemische Beständigkeit. Sie werden durch den Förderstrom auch nicht ausgewaschen. Mit dieser Pumpe könen bedenkenlos reine oder verunreinigte Lösungsmittel gefördert werden. Sie wird auch für Farben und Lacke eingesetzt.

Max. Fördermenge 60 l/min

Max. Förderdruck 8 bar bei 8 bar Druckluft



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